The labor market in Romania is currently populated by human resource companies but also by companies that develop their own recruitment campaigns.

The challenge for these companies is that a large part of the workforce travels abroad in search of higher salaries.

Human resource companies face difficulties in creating a stable workforce database because many workers, when they get offers from abroad, leave even though they have a job in the country.

Large companies, especially production companies, which need a large number of employees, face a very high staff turnover for the same reasons. Most of the time, companies invest in qualifying the employees while at work, but the employees do not always remain employed long-term, so that the company pays off its investment.

campanii recrutare de personal


"Bellinea was and is very pleased about the collaboration with PENTAMEDIA.In them we found a trustworthy and reliable partner that provides the right innovative insight and a good, punctual execution of our recruiting projects."
"The collaboration with Penta Media was dreamy. The graphic design was done quickly, the outdoor commercials were installed in a timely manner and of course we received photo confirmation both on the finishing of the graphic design and when the display materials were installed. We will use Penta Media services again!"


Target audience

Is represented by persons or companies who may be most interested in your product or service. Usually, these target groups can be categorized according to a set of criteria such as: age, gender, location, education, socio-economic status, needs. Identifying the target group for your product is necessary regardless of the advertising channel you choose.
In the case of human resource companies, the target group is represented by: companies that need employees and turn to the company specialized in human resources and individuals looking for a job.

For companies launching their own recruitment campaigns, the target group is represented only by individuals who are looking for a job.

Examples of target advertising

1st case – Staff recruitment firm or human resources
The human resource company should display it's campaign on billboards close to unemployment agencies, in crowded areas of the city (malls, hospitals, nurseries, schools) and in nearby cities or villages, where there are transport facilities and the commute is easy. For people passing through the city, the most effective means of promotion are the signs at the entrances to the city.

2nd case – Company with high staff turnover, wanting a long-term recruitment campaign
In order to have access to a large and varied group of candidates, the company that recruits must have local notoriety. Thus, if it is a new company - or one that has not been promoted - it should start with a brand strengthening campaign, followed by the actual recruitment campaign. The recruitment campaign should take place in the areas traversed by the target group. In the case of future graduates, the most effective exposure is in campuses and universities. In the case of qualified/unqualified personnel, the exposure will be made in the busiest areas of the city, in the surrounding localities, in industrial areas where there are big companies in the same field as the employer.

Understanding competition is an essential factor in marketing and advertising strategy for any type of business. Positioning your company on a crowded market can only be done by what differentiates you from other companies. Are you really different? Are your products or services slightly better than those offered by the competition? Anecdotally we can say that most of us think about our business that it stands out from the competition and that we have something special to offer customers, but maybe less than 10% we actually look and measure at what extent is this validated in the market.

Try to interact from the customer position with your competition, see if you have something to learn from the way they approach their customers.
Talk with their customers, but also with yours.It's interesting to find out what they like and don't like about your business and what you can improve.
In the digital age, the easiest way to research and know the competition is the Internet, where you have to do a thorough search, both related to products or services and customer opinions.

Examples of campaign preparation taking the competition into account:

1st case
– Firmă de recrutare personal
Aceste firme ar trebui să își crească vizibilitatea prin expunere în zonele centrale, în apropierea cladirii AJOFM din localitate și în zonele unde se organizează târguri de cariere. Exemple de aspecte care te pot departaja de concurență sunt: deținerea unei baze de date cu foarte mulți angajatori/ candidați sau posibilitatea aplicării pentru un loc de muncă în străinătate.

2nd case – Companie care își recrutează singură personalul
Aspects that should be highlighted in an outdoor advertising campaign should be related to the work schedule, the attractive salary package, the benefits system and the possibility of advancement within the company. The advertising campaign must be shaped according to the aspect that differentiates you from the competition. These should be presented in a striking graphic design with impact.

În cazul unei campanii publicitare stradale, dar nu numai, stabilirea atuurilor tale pornește de la studiul concurenței și de la identificarea reală a nevoilor persoanelor aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Nu trebuie să te diferențiezi de concurență, ci trebuie să vii cu soluții și servicii care să satisfacă cerințele potențialilor candidați.

În cazul unei firme de recrutare de personal, punctele forte pentru atragerea clienților pot fi:  procesele riguroase de evaluare și selecție a candidaților cu teste de competențe/aptitudini și interviuri cu specialiști.

În cazul firmelor care își dezvoltă propria campanie de recrutare, pot să mizeze pe avantaje precum: salariul, beneficiile, condițiile de muncă, programul de muncă și posibilitatea de avansare în cadrul companiei.

  • Make it clear who your target audience is.
  • Display your campaign on billboards placed in the busiest parts of the city.
  • Expune mesajul și la intrările în oraș, pentru persoanele care vin din alte localități.
  • Target competition by exhibiting on billboards in their areas of interest.
  • Use outdoor advertising together with social media tools, in the graphic design of your outdoor campaign, insert your social media addresses. Online, use the adapted graphic design made for the billboards, so that the two displays can be easily associated, thus increasing your notoriety.
  • Outdoor advertising goes hand in hand with online. Avoid displaying phone numbers on billboards, rather insert a site address to direct your audience to it. It must be easy to use and have a modern and airy look. The public will remember the name of the company or the name of the residential complex and will later search for them online, reaching your website, and if it is well done, there are great chances for them to contact you. 

It is important to have a discussion with us, in order for you to be sure that the promotion solution will meet your expectations.

We know that your ideas and vision are important and we always try to implement them as faithfully as possible in the campaign.

At the same time, it's important to trust the advertising agency who's goal is also to get the best results from your campaign. Sometimes, we will suggest you to give up ideas, images or colors that - although, at first glance, they seem fine - for outdoor advertising they don't work.

Think that you only have 5 seconds to impress the customer with a billboard. You can find out more in the #How the graphic design should look.

It would be ideal for you to establish a budget that you want to allocate to the campaign, at least for the next 6 months, and then, depending on the response you have following this promotion, to supplement it.

The implementation of the advertising campaign is designed to work as easily as possible for you. We take care of everything.

After establishing together the areas of interest, the target audience and the campaign budget, we select, also together, those advertising spaces that best value your business. You will be able to view the proposed advertising supports, interactively, on a map with GPS positions, pictures and information about the audience and points of interest in the vicinity of that billboard.

We establish together the promotion strategy, the campaign interval and the graphic design. Through simulations actually placed over a picture of a billboard similar to the one you choose for promotion, you will be able to figure out what the implemented campaign will look like #how the graphic design should look like.

Afterwards, we take care of the #printing of the advertising materials for the billboard. We can also offer you free print samples. The next step is to install the printed materials on the billboards. After the campaign is implemented, you will receive an installation report, which also contains photos of the ready installed banners on the billboards.

We suggest you follow the results of your campaign in order to quantify the return on investment in the outdoor advertising. How can you do this? Simple, when you interact by email or phone with a new customer, you always ask them how they came to contact you..

It is also important to pay attention to the overlapping or intersecting effect of different promotion methods, as many customers will be inclined to say that they found out about you from the online environment, even if the decision to contact you or find out more about you came after viewing an outdoor campaign.

Online is complementary to outdoor: the customer can retain your brand or product on the billboard and act later, looking for information online about your company.



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