Our products
The backlit that we make is a new and unique billboard on the market due to the design made by us. The dimensions are 4.00 x 3.00 m or 3.20 x 2.40 m and the height up to the panel is between 2.50 and 2.80 m. They have a round pole located asymmetrically and an arched counterfeit that binds the pole to the pannel.
The metal structure is protected by a process of hot dip galvanizing against corrosion and for aspect purposes. The board plating and the frames have modern shapes and are made of anthracite grey metal sheet; the inner lighting is LED with low energy consumption.
The printed material on these billboards has to be poliplan, backlit or frontlit type, with a good printing resolution, good quality of print because these kind of billboards are often seen from close proximity.
The locations of our backlits are the result of many searches, measurements, calculations, in order to obtain some easy to see sites, for the printed materials displayed on it to be easily readable and the billboards to be noticeable in the busy life of a city. One well placed billboard can have a bigger impact than several poorly oriented ones. That is why, no matter if you choose our locations or other company's ones, always check the locations.
Call 0748 230 302 or write us using the contact form
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